Thursday, December 20, 2007

Hard Candy

Just watched this incredibly overrated movie, a shrill feminist id-laxative.

Ellen Page is pretty much a one-note pony, precocious nonchalant vengeance. Again. And then again. For the whole movie. She's the voice of every anguished voice of abuse, but she actually gets to castrate the bastard. I'm awaiting with baited breath the allegorical hysterectomy movie.
TAKE THAT, molesters! What a brave stand this movie took--it's AGAINST molestation.
I'm sure this will be taught in all kinds of feminist film-theory classes. Really, this movie was a thinly disguised polemic for emasculation, hateful, and completely lacking in perspective.

Also, he was not a pedophile. He liked post-pubescent girls, not pre-.